Managing and minimising environmental impact

At PB Forestry, we understand that our work has an impact on the environment and ecology. We look to manage, minimise and off-set these impacts at all times. As a company we plant far more trees and shrubs annually than we clear, working on large landscaping, environmental and habitat improvement projects for our clients.

We take ecology into account for all clearance work we undertake. With work only taking place when permitted and if within the ecological constraints. We are used to working in sensitive woodlands, and on construction clearance works with ecological requirements. We have worked with sites with slow worms, bats, badgers, reptiles, protected birds, invasive species, and protected flora and fauna.

Our work has included building badger sets to allow relocation, translocation of hedges, turf relocation, installation of bat and bird boxes, creation of habitats. Using hydroseeding techniques we have created wildflower seeded site screening bunds that are visually stunning and great for increasing habitat and biodiversity.

Our selection of machinery and tools allow us to work on a range of projects within the ecological requirements, considering issues such as ground pressure and vegetation cut height.

We operate an environmental management system to ISO14001 (2015)

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