Case Studies

Rail Sidings Clearance Case Study
Clearance of a series of disused railway sidings and adjacent land to enable a project to reinstate rail access to the site.
Agricultural Fencing Case Study
PBF were contracted to convert arable land into a small holding to be used for equine and animal farming purposes.
Branch line clearance Case Study
PBF were tasked with clearing 700m of disused branch line to allow it to be brought back into service.
Cycleway Case Study
Working for a leading UK charity, PBF was employed to clear 7km of a disused railway line to enable it to be repurposed into a cycle and bridal way.
Plantation of over 2200 trees Case Study
Plantation of over 2200 trees in a country park as part of soft landscaping plan for a major construction project.
Ash Dieback Case Study
Work carried out to remove trees safely whilst avoiding road closure.
Hyrdoseeding Case Study
Establishing grass land to stabilise soil and prevent wash off by hydroseeding 6900m2 of batters round a tunnel portal.