Branch line clearance Case Study

PBF were tasked with clearing 700m of disused branch line to allow it to be brought back into service. The work included clearance of an embankment close to a disused quarry face and buried services. Both required detailed safety planning with the client to ensure the correct clearance method was used to avoid collapse of the face or damage to the buried pipeline.

Ecological surveys were carried out by the client, with the PBF team working to a detailed set of RAMS to ensure compliance. Safety challenges also included work near a public footpath and rogue items from drug miss use and fly tipping.

The work was carried out using excavators with tree shears and mulching heads, combined with robo flails. The mini-digger with shear and mulching head was used on the embankment areas due to loading constraints imposed by the client because of the proximity to the quarry and pipeline.

Using two teams working with a combination of machinery the area was cleared within the clients timescales enabling them to progress their project on schedule.

Major rail company
Restoring a disused and overgrown branch line in order for it be used agian.
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